Facebook marketing can be quite successful and trackable
Did you know you can advertise from Facebook?
Well, not in the traditional way where you create a business page from your personal account, and then pay to advertise on it. No, I am talking about using your business Facebook page to post advertisements and get results from them via posts. This is made easy through Business Manager which is a platform Facebook offers in order to manage pages and advertisements. This platform gives you statistics on your posts as far as who has liked them, commented on them and how many people have shared them. In addition to that, it tells you how many people have actually seen the advertisement. Knowing how many people saw the advertisement is actually important. It is important because you can gauge the percentage of traffic you receive v.s. the percentage you convert. For example, if you have 100 people see your Facebook post, that is great! Right? Well, it depends. It depends if only one person clicked on that Facebook post or if 90 did. If you have a low percentage of clicks on linked posts or a low share rate or low comments; it may be time to consider changing something about the post.
Your social media should not be anybody’s guess. You take the time and energy out of your day to post to your Facebook account, and the least you deserve is to know if it is paying off. That is where the entire Business Manager platform for Facebook comes into play. It is easy to tell how many people are interacting with your post. And from there, the tracking can only get more and more involved.
Here is a screenshot of 3 posts to our Facebook page. You can see what type they are and how people interact with each.
Mr. WPress loves analytics! We don’t just stop tracking the performance of users on your Facebook post when they come to your website. No, we keep tracking them. We want to know what impact those Facebook posts are making. They can be as enticing as we want them to be, but if people are not interacting with the website once landing there; then we have another set of problems entirely.
Facebook offers you a great (free) tool to help keep track of your audience. By posting on your Facebook business page and managing it from the Business Manager, you really empower yourself as a site owner to take advantage of the traffic. You can change images, text, links, and you name it; in order to get better click through rates and more traffic to your website. Once on your website, we can track them through our web analytics to see if they contact you, submit a form, or whatever else they do (including just leaving).
Yes Facebook can cost money to market. But it does not have to. We can setup these systems and give you hands on training to help you manage it all for yourself. You write compelling and enticing Facebook posts that link to your website. Your website takes them the other 50% to convert them to a client.
We can help! Let us show you!